Inflammation in the Body & the Anti-Inflammatory Power of Food

Inflammation in the Body & the Anti-Inflammatory Power of Food

We all know fruits and veggies are powerful but what else does the science tell us about inflammation?! Chronic inflammation, a pervasive health concern, is increasingly recognized as a precursor to numerous chronic diseases, including heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and metabolic syndrome. In this in-depth exploration, we delve into the scientific foundations of chronic inflammation…

9 Reasons Tofu Is A Superfood

9 Reasons Tofu Is A Superfood

Tofu, a cornerstone in a plant-based (vegetarian and vegan) diet which stands out as a healthful choice for various reasons: Complete Protein: Tofu offers a great source of plant-based protein, vital for muscle maintenance, repair, and overall body function. Containing all nine essential amino acids, tofu is a complete protein, particularly beneficial for those adhering…

Are Smoothies Really Healthy?!

Are Smoothies Really Healthy?!

Smoothies can be a healthy and convenient way to add in several nutrients to help jump-start your day! I always prefer drinking plant-based smoothies. They can be considered scientifically healthy for several reasons as they offer a range of nutrients that are beneficial for overall health. Here are some key reasons: It’s important to note…

7 Reasons You Should Ditch (Cow) Milk

7 Reasons You Should Ditch (Cow) Milk

Cow milk is produced by female cows to nourish their young calves. During pregnancy, hormonal changes prepare the cow’s mammary glands for milk production. After calving, the cow begins producing colostrum, followed by regular milk. On dairy farms, cows are typically milked using mechanical milking machines, and the milk undergoes pasteurization and homogenization before packaging….

The Brain-Gut Connection

The Brain-Gut Connection

The brain-gut connection refers to the bidirectional communication between the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) and the enteric nervous system (a complex network of neurons in the gastrointestinal tract, often referred to as the “second brain”). This connection is a dynamic and intricate relationship that involves neural, hormonal, and immunological signaling. Understanding the…