Peppers: An Autumn Superfood

Peppers: An Autumn Superfood

As the vibrant colors of autumn surround us, we are reminded that the harvest season is well underway. One of nature’s gifts to us during this time is the delightful array of peppers in all their glorious hues and flavors.  1. Nutrient Powerhouses: Peppers, whether sweet or spicy, are packed with essential nutrients like vitamin C,…

November Feelings

November Feelings

November can be a challenging month for some people due to factors like seasonal changes, less daylight, and increased cold weather. To help combat potential feelings of depression or low mood during November, here are some strategies to consider: Get Adequate Sunlight: The decrease in daylight hours can affect your mood. Try to spend time…

Pumpkin is SO healthy!

Pumpkin is SO healthy!

It’s important to note that the nutritional content and health benefits of pumpkins can vary depending on how they are prepared and cooked. For example, pumpkin pie, when loaded with sugar and butter in a flaky crust, may not be as healthy as roasted or steamed pumpkin. To maximize the health benefits of pumpkins, consider…

Strawberry Apple Bliss Smoothie

Strawberry Apple Bliss Smoothie

This Strawberry Apple and Cranberry Smoothie is the perfect way to start the day. Sweet, tangy and filled with vitamins, minerals and fiber to keep you full and healthy. Health Benefits Bananas – rich in potassium, essential for heart health and blood pressure regulation. They provide quick energy from natural sugars, contain dietary fiber for digestion, and offer essential…

pumpkin pie smoothie

Easy Vegan Pumpkin Pie Smoothie

Experience the comforting essence of autumn with our exquisite smoothie. Imagine the velvety blend of frozen banana and luscious pumpkin puree, harmonizing in a delightful dance of indulgence. Nutritional Benenfits Banana – rich in potassium, essential for heart health and blood pressure regulation. They provide quick energy from natural sugars, contain dietary fiber for digestion, and offer essential vitamins like vitamin…